Friday, August 20, 2010

its been 10 days of ramadhan fast~

holidays.....i sure use it up..slacking at home! hahaha. well it doesnt last long coz reality sets in and tada~ ive prepared my own first study schedule..remember those pri n sec days where tchrs always told us to do our own timetable,ive never done it,haha! but i did this time..i cant afford to use my brain schedule anymore bcoz i tend to not follow and be sooooo flexible with it..if u know wat i mean >.<.

in 2 weeks,exams will haunt me...hehe. after raya,one more paper to take and wooosh im done...for this sem tat is..hehehe.

this raya,i will be the one baking everything...look forward to it!! weeheee

Monday, August 09, 2010

my precious love has come to me. :)

after months of mugging and studying last one month of rest..altho its called "study week" gonna relax and study only when i want to..hahaha

i just felt relieved now...i can finally relax well at least for the first 2 wks of my gonna start studying the next few bcoz of exams.

trying my hard to score well...i need that scholarship,if i can...i dont wanna burden my parents that much. at least with a scholarship to cover the remaining semesters,they wont have to always worry..i also dont wanna burden my bro and sis... gonna try aim As and Bs..try not to have a C,D,F..wahhhh..easier said than done,haha